ATTN SELF-PUBLISHED AUTHORS who've written a book that hasn't made you the profits you expected…


Now is the time to turn the page on your book-publishing aspirations and build your own six-figure publishing empire using my industry secrets, proven strategies, and bulletproof systems.


Tough Cookie: Writing books will never pay you as much as what I'll teach in just TEN weeks.


I'll take the cheat codes, Crystal.

Here’s my guess:


âś…  You've thumbed through the pages of your self-published work, inhaled the new book smell, and patted yourself on the back for this major accomplishment. 


(As you should, considering only 19 percent of people who want to write a book actually do. You did that!) 


âś… You know that your earning potential is limitless, but the royalties aren't rolling in. While every month you are reminded that the inconsistent book sales don’t equate to the profits you envisioned to fund retirement, college funds, or even breaking even.


(What if I told you there was a sure-fire way to build your book empire and secure your future with 6-figure publishing profits)


âś… Your inbox and texts have exploded with congratulations and requests from family and friends who want you to show them how to do the same.


(As much as you'd like to help, there is too much that you don't know to feel—legit.)


âś… You've thought about what your own publishing business could look like, but you don't understand how to make it happen without unnecessary failure.


(You ARE the best person to help them, and I want to show you how.) 



After months of deliberation, you may have even launched a business. Still, you're struggling to find clients, automate your processes, and turn your earnest efforts into endless amounts of publishing profits.

It's time to meet your moment... AND HAVE EXACTLY WHAT YOU'VE IMAGINED…

  • Waking up to notifications from aspiring authors who are lining up to pay you for your publishing services

  • Skipping right past the trial-and-error that comes with starting from scratch and building without a coach

  • Having a bulletproof blueprint that brings your publishing business to life in less time without maxing out your time or credit card.

  • Watching your dream business finally become a reality as you earn an extra $3,000, $5,000, or more per month without toiling.

  • Having the proven training, tools, templates, and "been-there-done-that" support from my team and me to launch with confidence, clarity, and zero chaos.

  • Establishing yourself as the skilled and in-demand publishing plug that aspiring authors pine after for a chance to make their literary dreams come true.

  • Confidence in knowing that you have the finances at your disposal to create realities of abundance for yourself or your family.

All of that is within your reach, but first, you have to say NO!




Very few people know how to start a profitable publishing company. They have no idea how to find, delight, and retain clients. Their marketing is knee-jerk and not based on data. They don't have processes that allow their business to run on autopilot and still profit. So they spend years on Google and "YouTube University" trying to piece together the strategy that my team is equipped to teach them in a few weeks or even worse, they never start at all.



Remember how you felt before your book was published? Your publishing agency is precisely what generations of aspiring authors need to make their dreams a reality. You are proof that your market exists. Now is your chance to create, innovate, and move the publishing industry forward in the direction you want to see.


Sounds huge, right?


What if I told you that your piece of that publishing profit starts with a number nowhere as big as 1.6 Million?


The truth is, you only need three publishing clients to secure your first 4-figure return?


Check the receipts—screenshots so you know it’s real.



More than ever, people are interested in publishing books, but they have no idea where to start.


There are desperate authors out there looking for a solution, and your publishing business could be the answer. 


My self-publishing agency grew into a thriving six-figure business and helped dozens build their own multi-4 & 5-figure book empires in 10 weeks.


 Now I want to show you how.


This 10-week coaching and implementation program equips you with Windex-clear clarity, Yonce-level confidence, and my proven system to create, launch, and scale a profitable publishing agency—without starting from scratch.

I'll take easy & profitable!





In this foundation-setting module, you will learn and implement the exact steps I've successfully used to establish your agency for today and future success.

This is where your agency gets its:

  • Proper formation

  • Scalable structure

  • Fundamentals that help you avoid big, potentially expensive mistakes (and legal trouble)!


    All so that you are credible, confident, and capable as you launch.

Phase 2: Launch Your Agency

After laying down the foundation for your agency, it's time to launch!

In this module, you will learn:

  • How to build your publishing team so you're never knee-deep in projects or overwhelm

  • How to find and attract paid clients on repeat and banish slow months to some faraway kingdom

  • How to set your prices because we all know how funny money can get


    No need to think too hard; this program includes all of the swipe copy + templates you need for your agency's launch, so all you have to do is just copy and paste.

Phase 3: Run Your Business

After you establish your foundation and launch your business, you'll learn how to run a well-oiled & profitable business machine, which runs without a hitch even you take a day off.


  •  Excel with my handpicked and double-tapped systems that put your operations on autopilot.

  • Grab easy-button tools that do all the tasks you don't have to be good at to run your agency.

  • And worry-less workflows that keep your agency running like you're hitting I-85 with no traffic.


 Since you'll be managing multiple clients with minimal effort, I've pumped this module with everything you and your clients need to enjoy a 5-star experience.

Phase 4: Grow Your Business 

Now that you have launched and started working with publishing clients, it's time to learn how to scale your business to earn higher profits.

This module is juicy enough to stand on its own, because it's the difference maker having in a side hustle and establishing a publishing legacy.

In Module 4, we are breaking down my coveted Client Cash Injection Strategies that shatter the limits on your earning potential.

When you enroll, here's what's yours:

Immediate access to the curriculum

You will get immediate access to the "Publishing Agency Blueprint" curriculum (one module per week will be unlocked, there are four modules total) and trainings inside of your private portal so you can watch the on-demand trainings, download resources, and access all of the copy and paste templates to help you launch faster. This program is a publishing business in a box; all you have to do is follow the steps.

Bi-Weekly Q&A Coaching Calls With Crystal and her team (VALUE:$2500)

**During LIVE cohorts which happen twice each year **

Yes, you read that right! You're getting biweekly calls for ten weeks to ensure you don't get stuck.

Publishing Agency Swipe Copy & TEMPLATES (VALUE:$500)


All of the swipe copy + templates you need for your agency's launch, all you have to do is just copy and paste.



  • Client inquiry email sequences to help you get the sale

  • Sales call script templates to empower you to close deals with confidence.

  • Publishing agency pricing guide template, to ensure that you are charging fair market value for your services.   

  • My exact client workflow templates that prioritize client retention and keep your pipeline full of promising leads

  • My step-by-step task list I use to publish any type of book. Use it yourself or send it to your VA templates that prioritize client retention and keep your pipeline full of promising leads

  • Client onboarding questionnaires that give you all the data you'll need to deliver your services.


And a client contract for publishing agencies that set expectations and clear boundaries—because it's not real without the paperwork.

You're probably thinking about what you have to give up to make this blueprint YOUR blueprint to publishing agency success, but don't worry.


I know how important the next step is, so I've packaged this insanely juicy group coaching program to give you everything you need without costing everything you have.


The total value of this course is $9000.

But you can join Publishing Agency Blueprint today for a one-time investment of

Ready to go from writing books to writing your golden ticket?




  • Access to the entire Program Curriculum, Spreadsheets & Templates
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls
  • Productivity Work Sessions
  • Plus: BONUS Publishing Agency Website Template

    Recoup your investment with just 1 publishing client! Need a payment plan?

    Afterpay is available at checkout, subject to approval.





  • 1 on 1 Voxer coaching and support from Crystal (Value: $1500)
  • A 1 on 1 Virtual 2 Hour VIP Day with Crystal (Value: $2500)

    An extra $4000 of value, recouped with just 2 publishing clients!

    Afterpay is available at checkout, subject to approval.

BUT REMEMBER: With inflation and the WILDERNESS that is the world these past couple of years, I can NOT guarantee the price will still be this low if you buy later, so please LOCK IT IN now if you want to keep it!




This program is valued at $9000, but I'm not pricing it anywhere near that.

This exact blueprint has earned my publishing agency multi-six figures and launched 74 profitable publishing agencies for past students. 


I'm offering the Publishing Agency Blueprint at a ridiculously low price today that you will NEVER see again.



If you launch your agency and get just ONE client, you will have made your investment back.

Three clients will earn you an indisputable 4x return on investment.


No-brainer, right??


If you doubt whether this program will work for you, here's a confidence boost: 


Your enrollment is also backed by a 14-day, no-questions-asked, money-back guarantee.

Wondering who is behind this blueprint and these bold promises??

[Of course, you are.]


Meet your Publishing Agency Coach:

Crystal Swain-Bates


When it comes to giving authors the tools that they need to turn their passion into a paycheck, there's only one name that comes to mind: Crystal Swain-Bates. Her knack for showing authors how to generate revenue and earn a full-time living with their words is why her clients refer to her as The Publishing Queen.


With more than 100,000 sold copies of her self-published books, Crystal helps professional Black female authors turn a new page on the idea that they can't make money as a writer.


After just a few months of working with Crystal, her clients' publishing dreams transform into reality thanks to her proven step-by-step process for publishing, promoting, and profiting from their books.


She's finally turned those wins into a blueprint program that helps more authors build their literary legacies and stake claim in the industry with profitable agencies of their own.


As an award-winning and celebrated children's book author and founder of Goldest Karat Publishing, Crystal's work, and expertise led to a 2019 Forbes article feature and a nationally televised Amazon commercial. She was also awarded the 2019 Digital Book World Medal for Leadership in Diversity.

Now she is ready to teach you everything  she knows!  

Before you go and convince yourself that...


 You don't have enough experience or skin in the game.

You don't know where you’ll get your first client, let alone a roster of clients that can replace your crazy manager and full-time job.

You have to have a book published to own a publishing agency.

You have no idea what to charge or even where to start to make this idea a business.

You need to sell more books to be credible.

You're more interested in journals or notebooks, so a book publishing agency isn't the right fit.


Let's Focus on the facts.

You can own a profitable self-publishing agency like my student, Leeandria Barros, who had no books published and booked her first agency client before she even finished the program.

In place of trial and error, you can use my experience as the teacher and reproduce my success at your own pace with every tool you might need to get it done.

You can apply this exact blueprint to publish coloring books, cookbooks, workbooks, journals, novels, notebooks, and any other printed resource that's bound with pages.


The real question is, what will you do with the next ten weeks to achieve the results it takes others years and sometimes a lifetime to achieve?


Will you hesitate to accept the support you need and risk being in the same exact place in the next year?


With the blueprint, been-there, done-that support, accountability, and community, you’re looking at everything you need to launch, grow, and scale your book empire.


Your next chapter starts with the page you turn right now.

 Envision your future transforming because of the choice you make today.

Still Got Questions?


Now, I have a question for you...


Are you ready to write your golden ticket, publish books the world desperately needs, and create a literary legacy that serves your wildest dreams?





  • Access to the entire Program Curriculum, Spreadsheets & Templates
  • Monthly Group Coaching Calls
  • Productivity Work Sessions
  • Plus: BONUS Publishing Agency Website Template

    Recoup your investment with just 1 publishing client! Need a payment plan?

    Afterpay is available at checkout, subject to approval.





  • 1 on 1 Voxer coaching and support from Crystal (Value: $1500)
  • A 1 on 1 Virtual 2 Hour VIP Day with Crystal (Value: $2500)

    An extra $4000 of value, recouped with just 2 publishing clients!

    Afterpay is available at checkout, subject to approval.

BUT REMEMBER: With inflation and the WILDERNESS that is the world these past couple of years, I can NOT guarantee the price will still be this low if you buy later, so please LOCK IT IN now if you want to keep it!